Strong together
The Dynamikum is led by a supporting association. According to the statute, the purpose of the association is the promotion of learning and the education of young people, in particular introducing young people to educational topics as well as science and technology. The association is responsible for the operation of the Dynamikum. Its tasks include the development of new exhibits and the organization of exhibitions, lectures, continuing education events and workshops. The association is recognized as a non-profit organization. The first Chairperson is Michael Schieler; the Managing Director is Rolf Schlicher. The members of Dynamikum e.V. receive regular information about the developments in the Dynamikum. We would be happy to provide information about a membership.
Rolf Schlicher
Managing Director Dynamikum e. V.
Telephone: +49 (0) 63 31 / 23943-0
EMail: schlicher@dynamikum.de
Vanessa Bold
Management Assistant, Human Resources
Telephone: +49 (0) 63 31 / 23943-10
EMail: bold@dynamikum.de
Group registration:
Monday to Friday: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Telephone: +49 (0) 63 31 / 23943-21
oder 23943-22
EMail: anmeldung@dynamikum.de
Accounting, school partnerships, museum shop
Elisabeth Bernhard
Telephone: +49 (0) 63 31 / 23943-35
EMail: bernhard@dynamikum.de
Stefanie Diehl
Telephone: +49 (0) 63 31 / 23943-14
EMail: diehl@dynamikum.de
Workshop / Technology
Patrick Dury
Telephone: +49 (0) 63 31 / 23943-25
EMail: dury@dynamikum.de
Roland Fahr
Telephone: +49 (0) 63 31 / 23943-25
EMail: fahr@dynamikum.de
Press information
Press contact
All inquiries about press texts and images should be directed to our PR agency ars publicandi at +49 (0) 6331/5543 -13 or by email to Martina Overmann: MOvermann@ars-pr.de. When publishing we request the following image rights: Dynamikum Science Center Pirmasens/”Name of the photographer”.
See for yourself
If you would like to come visit, provide advance notice via info@dynamikum.de This gives us the opportunity to prepare for your visit and maybe even discuss with you in advance what we can do for you. But we are open to spontaneous visits as well, of course!
Press texts
Here you can download the archived press texts about Dynamikum. Please feel free to send text or interview requests to presse@dynamikum.de.
Partners & Sponsors
The Bezirksverband Pfalz (District Association Palatinate) as an important partner to the Dynamikum
As a partner of the approximately 1.4 million inhabitants of the Palatinate, the District Association Palatinate promotes and advises in social, cultural and economic matters. It fulfils these tasks with the help of institutions and participation in the fields of culture, education, health, nature and consumer protection as well as energy at various locations in the Palatinate.
Since 2008, the Dynamikum has been part of the extended family of the District Association Palatinate.
Theo Wieder:
“Only things that change last” – this is especially true for the Science Center Dynamikum in Pirmasens. Since its opening ten years ago, the interactive museum remains a unique institution in the Palatinate.
As a sponsor of the Dynmaikum, it is very important to us to secure the future viability and attractiveness of the museum for the long term and to make a lasting contribution to cultural life in the Palatinate. The Bezirksverband Pfalz repeatedly takes the requirement profile of its cultural and educational institutions into consideration and examines to what extent one has to adapt to changing conditions, including the largest science centre in the southwest. In this respect, we can now look forward to the new expansion and implementation of the new Dynamikum.

Institutions of Bezirksverband Pfalz
- Institut für pfälzische Geschichte und Volkskunde
- Landwirtschaftliche Untersuchungs- und Forschungsanstalt
- Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt für Viehhaltung Hofgut Neumühle
- Meisterschule für Handwerker
- Pfalzakademie
- Pfalzbibliothek
- Pfalzgalerie
- Pfalzinstitut für Hörsprachbehinderte
- Pfalzklinikum für Psychiatrie und Neurologie
- Pfalztheater
- Tabakbausachverständiger für die Pfalz
Participations of Bezirksverband Pfalz
- Deutsches Schuhmuseum
- Dynamikum
- Gesellschaft für Bodenberatung, Laboruntersuchung und Qualitätsprüfung
- Hambacher Schloss
- Historisches Museum der Pfalz
- Naturpark Pfälzerwald e. V.
- Pfalzmuseum für Naturkunde
- Pfalzwerke Aktiengesellschaft
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